
Warior is a Variant Prioritization site. This site is working on a webserver based on 2 algorithms; SELIM and EDIZ*. In this version, you can submit your *.vcf files up to 200 Mb. After the prioritization process you will receive your processed vcf file as an attachment. You can use various annotation programs on this processed file(s). This process is suitable for whole exome sequencing data.

Disclaimer. -Your original and processed files will be deleted after 30 days. -This prioritization process is designed for research use only. -Please anonymize your patient's name before sending us for ethical reasons.
*Ergun, MA, Ergun, SG, & Percin, EF (2019). A new approach (EDIZ) for big data variant prioritization. Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics , 8:20.
*Ergun MA, Unal A, Ergun SG, & Pecin EF. (2017). A new method for analysis of whole exome sequencing data (SELIM) depending on variant prioritization. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked, 8:51-3.

Our Publications

*Ergun, M.A., Ergun, S.G., & Percin, E.F. (2019). A new approach (EDIZ) for big data variant prioritization. Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics , 8:20.

*Ergun M.A., Unal A, Ergun S.G., & Pecin E.F. (2017) A new method for analysis of whole exome sequencing data (SELIM) depending on variant prioritization. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked , 8, 51-3.